Thursday 23 August 2012

Challenging times in the b&b!

After a year of problems in the bathroom of one of our main letting rooms, it all came to a head on Monday.
Water started dripping quite fast through our kitchen ceiling from the above bathroom and it was proving difficult to serve breakfast in the middle of a waterfall!!
The plumber was duly called and came to our rescue that morning.
After an hour of deliberation, it was decided that the bathroom had to be completely stripped in order to get to the bottom of the problem. No more messing about!
To cut a long tedious story short, this is what we have done to the place!!

And this is what it used to look like!:

So....we've got some work to do....
Insurance assessors have visited and as of today,  so has the loss adjuster.
New floorboards have been ordered, which will be at least 10 days. Now we have to find new furniture, due to water damage and replace tiles that got broken when removing the shower.
This isn't a small quick job and being the End of August, the timing is really bad for bookings. Had to turn away guests this week and move some elsewhere.
All i can say about the whole experience is .....Thank goodness for Insurance! If you are ever in doubt about needing it....then this should be justification for it.
Watch this space for the the next 2 weeks

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Day 3 of The Inn Way Yorkshire Dales

Day 3 of The Inn involves a 13 mile walk from Askrigg to Reeth.

However, because some of us did not complete the end of Stage 2,due to a pub distraction and being cold & wet, we had to go back to Bainbridge and walk to Askrigg (3 miles)before we could even start Stage 3. (Askrigg to Reeth)

So, 2 weeks ago in miserable wet weather, we finished Stage 2 (3 miles) and started Stage 3 (8 miles)Askrigg to Gunnerside.

Due to the weather, no photos were taken!

So, to the present day......I hope you're keeping up!!

Yesterday we went back to Gunnerside to finish the last 8 miles of Stage 3 to Reeth.

The conditions were completely different from the 1st 2 days of The Inn Way. Finally we were heading into Spring!

We left our overnight stay with friends in Hawkswick at 8 am and headed north to Reeth to drop off a car.
We finally parked up in Gunnerside and headed East, by foot towards Reeth.
The sun shone for most of the day and conditions were almost perfect.
I say 'almost' because in parts it was slightly boggy underfoot.
After 3 hours of walking we reached Reeth and were in need of a pint! This we found in The Kings Arms, one of the 3 pubs on The Inn Way in Reeth alone!

Here we ended our walk, safe in the knowledge that we'd finished Stage 3.
Hopefully Stage 4 will be a lot less complicated! A 13 miler from Reeth to West Burton, in the next month, depending on bookings at Elslack Grange b&b!!

Thursday 9 February 2012

A stroll along the Leeds to Liverpool Canal

2 days ago whilst socialising on Twitter and talking to my friend Karen from Hellifield (Peel Castle, to be precise!!)and Rosemary, we came up with the idea of a walk the following day. It actually started off with a suggestion of lunch, but we felt better if we said we were going for a walk!
It was decided, by myself that we would walk from Gargrave to Skipton along the Leeds to Liverpool Canal. A simple walk of only 3 1/2 miles but quite tricky at times with the icy conditions underfoot.

About an hour an a half later we were walking in mud as we approached Skipton.
The dogs at this stage were filthy dirty and though we found a dog friendly pub, we were not welcome!
We tied the dogs outside a cafe in the canal basin & proceeded inside for a bowl of soup.
It had been a lovely day, with no wind and pleasant surroundings.
We passed many boats all tied up for the winter and encountered 'hot tempered' swans along the way!
After parting ways and returning home it was decided that we should make this a regular now, we just need to find some short flat walks in The Yorkshire Dales???...It could be tricky!!
Perhaps another leg of the Canal?

Wednesday 4 January 2012

This summer's challenge?!

As always, i am thinking of the 'next walk' even before we finish the current one, which is 'The Inn Way of The Yorkshire Dales'.

This next opportunity came about through Twitter..the online social network, which i use frequently!

It is 'The 3 Peaks of Yorkshire'. A 24 mile walk involving climbing Penyghent, Whernside and Ingleborough.

I have walked it twice before, once as a teenager and the 2nd time as a 30 something!
15 years later i can't believe i'm even considering it again!

My walking friends are undecided whether to walk it as part of an organised charity day or just walk it on our own for our own choice of charity. I'm in favour of the organised 'route' as it provides medical back up!! Could be handy with my injuries!!

The charity walk is organised by The British Red Cross and takes place on the 14th July 2012.

By the way, i didn't mention that 1 of my friends who wants to walk it, 'under her own steam', has held the record for the fastest time for RUNNING The 3 Peaks!!

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Years Day walk 2012!

So, a New Year the old year ended..WET!!
My walking friends, Terry and myself decided to meet up in the New Year and walk off any cobwebs.
Instead of the usual wintry snowy conditions, we just got rain, sleet and hail!!
We headed up Elslack Moor Lane, across Carleton Moor, over towards Lothersdale and back up the Pennine Way past Pinnaw Beacon and back down to Elslack.
Doesn't sound very far, but in wet, boggy conditions it was quite challenging, to say the least.
Below is a photo of Pinnaw Beacon on a better day, when conditions were 'easier'!!

And actual photos from the day,between the rain/hail showers!

Thursday 22 December 2011

My Christmas photo

So far we have been blessed with mild weather this winter, making getting around in The Yorkshire Dales much easier than 2010!
Let's hope that this continues into 2012 and we can look forward to a mild Spring.

Pictured below is Elslack Grange Bed & Breakfast on Elslack Lane in Elslack last winter!!

Merry Christmas! and i'll see you next year!

Monday 12 December 2011

Day 2 of The Inn Way. Yorkshire Dales

It's been a month or so since the 1st stage of The Inn Way.
It was time to tackle Day 2 before the weather 'turned'!!

So, what did we do? We planned it for December 3rd...which turned out to be the 1st day of snow this winter!!!!
We left Elslack Grange at 8-15 am in a snow storm but arrived in Buckden in dry conditions.
However, 3 hrs later we were on the top of Kidstones Pass in a howling wind & hailstorm!
The weather only worsened as we descended. From then on the 'going' was tough!! walking through a snowstorm and across very boggy fields.

Our Lunch stop!