Wednesday 23 November 2011

'Tyskie'...our new resident

It's been about 7 weeks now since Terry and i took on full responsibility of Tyskie, a 3 year old Labradoodle.
We had been looking after her since she was 6 weeks old, but only as 'part time dog sitters' along with her 'brother' Webster..a Working Beardied Collie.
It was not an easy decision for her mother to give her away to us but it has turned out the best result for both dogs.
They still get to see eachother for 'sleepovers' so everybody wins!
I have taken to looking after her full time like a 'duck to water'!! Never thought i'd enjoy having a dog full time but the old saying 'a dog is a man's best friend' is so true and i wouldn't be without her now.
She is always there when you need a hug!!

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