Wednesday 29 September 2010

C2C Day 4 Grasmere to Patterdale

We woke to another promising day, weather wise, with a definite 'nip' in the air. A car was taken to the end of the walk (Patterdale) before breakfast and by 10am we were making our way up the 1st mountain!
The 1st hour up to Grisedale Tarn was tough going but well worth it for the views. Absolutely stunning. I took over a hundred photos in the 2 days of walking!
Helvellyn and Striding edge were discussed, as this is part of the walk, but not recommended with dogs.However, we didn't completely get away without another climb. Margaret pointed out 'Sunday Crag' which was just as impressive. So, after 'not much discussion' we headed up the mountain once more.As we climbed, we noticed the mist was coming down very slowly over the top of the mountain. We'd just sat down to eat our lunch when we thought we better move on. And thank goodness we did, because 1 minute later we were surrounded by mist and the temperature had dropped. 5 minutes later and Ulswater was in full view! By 2.30pm we were sat outside the Patterdale hotel with beers in hand. Another 9 1/2 miles had been ticked off the 190 miles of the C2C walk

Coast 2 Coast. Day 3 Rosthwaite to Grasmere

5 months ago, 2 friends, Webster & Tyskie and i set off to St Bees to start the C2C walk.
On Saturday we finally returned to Rostwaite to continue our walk. The weather could not have been any different from that day back in late March. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, though a little chilly.
For this leg we had a new member in Peter.
We drove from Yorkshire early Saturday morning but by the time we put all the cars in position, beginning and end of the walk, it was already 12 '0'clock.The walk was only a short 9 miles today, but as usual Margaret managed to talk us into another 3 miles without us evening noticing. It well well worth the detour, as we witnessed some pretty spectacular views. The day was finished, for Peter and i in a pub in Grasmere, whilst Penny and Margaret went back to Rostwaite to pick up the car. A very satisfying days walk and our limbs were aching nicely!

Saturday 18 September 2010

Chica, our new resident!

Sunday night saw the arrival of Kevin or, as i kept calling him 'Keith' and his dog Chica, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Now, when the booking was made i must admit i wasn't so keen on the idea of a Bull Terrier. However, to cut a long story short we have ended up keeping him until Kevin returns from his trip back home to Amsterdam!!
Chica, has turned out to be an absolute pleasure to look after and is a relatively 'trouble-free dog to look after. Most peoples initial reaction to Chica is of trepidation, but after only a couple minutes in her company, find her a bit of a softie, though she does tend to 'nip' when she is being affectionate!
The challenge was always going to be 'will she get on with Webster & Tyskie' when they come to stay?
Well... as i write, all 3 dogs are fast asleep in the lounge!!
The 'challenge' was when Harvey the Bulldog came to stay on Thursday. Chica discovered her 'voice' and wouldn't stop barking at Harvey. Fortunately, Harvey was only a day boarder so we coped.

So, to Kevin..... his story...the short version... He had been away from Holland for 2 weeks whilst his wife packed up their house, ready to leave the country and re-settle in Yorkshire.
Elslack Grange was his last stop before catching the boat to Hull, but not before leaving Chica at the kennels nearby.
It wasn't long after meeting Kevin that i offered to let Chica stay here until he returned in 10 - 14days time.
He was 'over the moon' and phoned his wife immediately.
On reflection, one might wonder 'whether he will be back for Chica' or 'he doesn't know me from Adam' yet here we are, all strangers and putting our trust in eachother.
Ours wonderful guests from Newcastle whom i told the story to, have 'other thoughts' and are going to check my facebook and twitter for up-dates!!
So far, all our guests this week have been surprised by Chica and her personality...long may this continue.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Regular visitors to Elslack Grange

My guests this morning left very happy andd there were hugs all round. Not only were they complimentary about the house and gardens, but they said that Webster and Tyskie, the 2 regular dog guests, really made their day!!
They also said they liked my Banana cake and breakfast too, but they loved the dogs more!
How could you not love Webster, the working beardie collie??!!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Tyskie needs a husband!

Tyskie, my ''part time'  2 year old Labradoodle is in search for a Mate. She is a 1st generation Labradoodle and is looking for someone similar with which to have fun with!
She is a typical labrador in the fact she eats 'anything' if she were allowed & has the 'bonkers' personality of a Poodle! This makes her a lot of fun but can be a handful, especially in her early years.
If anyone reading this knows of a male Labradoodle looking for a 'girlfriend' please let me know.  She needs to mate early next year.
As you can see by her photo, she can be very well behaved...but there was probably food involved to keep her so still!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

New website going live this evening...fingers crossed!

Having had the new photos of The Grange taken a few weeks ago, i haven't had the time to meet with my developer, Lee, from 'Kohd' in Embsay, Skipton, to arrange to have them uploaded...until now.
However, after uploading the photos and making them into headers, i realised they made the current website look 'tired'!
Therefore,we have spent a couple of hours this evening 'tweaking' it!!
It looks like a whole new website and it makes me want to stay there!!! as a guest of course!!
Incidently i have made a subtle name change to the B&B! Changed us from 'The Grange' to 'Elslack Grange', which it was known as 50 years ago. It also prevents any 'confusion' with other 'Granges', which they are many and are B&B's!
Will still need to make some minor changes on the site once live but nothing major.