Wednesday 8 September 2010

New website going live this evening...fingers crossed!

Having had the new photos of The Grange taken a few weeks ago, i haven't had the time to meet with my developer, Lee, from 'Kohd' in Embsay, Skipton, to arrange to have them uploaded...until now.
However, after uploading the photos and making them into headers, i realised they made the current website look 'tired'!
Therefore,we have spent a couple of hours this evening 'tweaking' it!!
It looks like a whole new website and it makes me want to stay there!!! as a guest of course!!
Incidently i have made a subtle name change to the B&B! Changed us from 'The Grange' to 'Elslack Grange', which it was known as 50 years ago. It also prevents any 'confusion' with other 'Granges', which they are many and are B&B's!
Will still need to make some minor changes on the site once live but nothing major.

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