Wednesday 29 September 2010

C2C Day 4 Grasmere to Patterdale

We woke to another promising day, weather wise, with a definite 'nip' in the air. A car was taken to the end of the walk (Patterdale) before breakfast and by 10am we were making our way up the 1st mountain!
The 1st hour up to Grisedale Tarn was tough going but well worth it for the views. Absolutely stunning. I took over a hundred photos in the 2 days of walking!
Helvellyn and Striding edge were discussed, as this is part of the walk, but not recommended with dogs.However, we didn't completely get away without another climb. Margaret pointed out 'Sunday Crag' which was just as impressive. So, after 'not much discussion' we headed up the mountain once more.As we climbed, we noticed the mist was coming down very slowly over the top of the mountain. We'd just sat down to eat our lunch when we thought we better move on. And thank goodness we did, because 1 minute later we were surrounded by mist and the temperature had dropped. 5 minutes later and Ulswater was in full view! By 2.30pm we were sat outside the Patterdale hotel with beers in hand. Another 9 1/2 miles had been ticked off the 190 miles of the C2C walk

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